❓Do you have big dreams that you’ve been trying hard to create… But constantly feel STUCK actually creating that soul-aligned love, work, or life you so badly want?!
❓Maybe you even dabble in meditation & spiritual practices to cultivate the deep inner peace, intuitive wisdom, & healing you sense is needed for change… But that guided meditation, yoga class, journal session, card pull, etc. only brings you temporary peace or superficial change?!
👋I get it!! I’ve been there.
And it wasn’t until years into my meditation journey that I found the secret to TRANSMUTING MY BLOCKS ➔ INTO THE DEEP, LASTING HEALING & TRANSFORMATIONS I CRAVED, year after year!!
And it’s THIS👇…
Transformation CAN NOT happen when you:
❌ FIGHT your way through the painful stuckness by hustling harder (if you knew how to get unstuck you wouldn’t be stuck!)
❌ FLEE from painful stuckness by only using your practices as distractions and band-aids to bypass the triggers, fears, & painful emotions (vs. to deeply process them!)
❌ FREEZE and shut-down from the overwhelm & burn-out caused by relying on the above strategies (for way too long!)
✅ Learn how to BEFRIEND & DELVE INTO YOUR DISCOMFORT, DARKER EMOTIONS, TRIGGERS & FEARS, and heal them from the inside out!!
✔️ Get the exact HEALING ROADMAP🗺 I follow every Eclipse Season (or anytime I feel super STUCK), to transform blocks & breakdowns ➔ into wisdom, breakthrough, & healing.
(*I’ve used this process to release blocks, and call in love + conscious partnership, leave a soul-sucking job to build a soul-aligned biz I love, & so much more!)
✔️ Learn why your meditation & spiritual practices only create temporary relaxation (vs. deep, lasting healing + change)…
✔️ And discover 4 HEALING PRACTICES✨ that’ll take your meditation & spiritual work way deeper, so you can experience the lasting Peace & Transformation (that us spiritual teachers are always preaching 😉)!
✔️ Learn how an astrological Eclipse Season can help you catalyze deep healing where you’ve felt stuck (the next one starts Oct. 14th!). And Experience a powerful GUIDED MEDITATION to uncover exactly what you’re meant to heal more deeply this Eclipse Season.
(*there are 3 essential steps I take before every astrological Eclipse Season to ensure I get breakthroughs… I’ll walk you through them!)