BONUS #1: Two Private {1:1} Eclipse Breakthrough Sessions ($300 Value)

BONUS #1: Two Private {1:1} Eclipse Breakthrough Sessions  ($300 Value)

Eclipse season is an extremely potent 4-6 week period that has the potential to catalyze massive healing and transformation in your life, IF you’re prepared and do the work for it. On the other hand, if you’re caught unprepared, an eclipse season can be an incredibly tumultuous and scary time. ⁣In these 1:1 sessions, we’ll work together to make sure you extract the deep healing and transformation you’re ripe for this eclipse season!

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BONUS #2: Six Month Membership to my “Moon & Meditation Circle” ($222 value)

BONUS #2: Six Month Membership to my “Moon & Meditation Circle” ($222 value)

Because your peace and happiness is greatly impacted by how well you can align with the changing Cosmic and Seasonal energies around you, I’m gifting you 6 months to my Moon Circle Membership, where I host Moon & Meditation Alignment rituals at each New and Full Moon. (Rituals are virtual and recorded for those that can’t come live)

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