Are you ready to finally commit to your meditation practice and take it from an inconsistent hobby to a consistent habit, so you can finally get the lasting peace and life changes you crave?
Well you're in luck, because that's exactly what I'll help you do!
The "Meditation For Transformation: Women's Circle" is designed to help you build your own personalized meditation rituals, and begin to solidify them as consistent and joyful habits
Part women's circle, Part meditation support group, each week we'll gather virtually and share how our practices have been going. You'll also learn a new meditation type, we'll practice it together, and then you'll create our own personalized meditation rituals around it. I'll teach how design daily, weekly, and monthly rituals, as well as choosing emotional cues also.
You'll learn:
- The 4 Simple Types of Meditation that are essential for creating lasting peace and change in your life + how to know which one to do when.
- How to set up cues for each of your meditation rituals, so it feels easy to do them consistently.
- How to cntinuously take your practice off the the cushion so you
Here's what's included:
- 4 weekly group calls where we'll