“Ground into Summer” 72 Hour Replay☟☟

(Plus here’s the class handout)

Craving more personalized support right now?

Whether you want to manifest an outer change OR you crave some big inner shifts… this season is a powerful time for TRANSFORMATION!

And a SUMMER MANIFESTATION DEEP DIVE, can help you stay grounded, focused, and unlock your power of Manifestation as you create the transformations you desire this year!

Included in the Summer Manifestation Deep Dive:

  • 1:1 ‘SUMMER ALIGNMENT’ I CHING READING: a powerful 90 minute intuitive deep dive session, to connect you with your inner wisdom and clarify what’s truly most aligned for you to focus on this season; come up with your greatest “Impact Actions” that will help you manifest the changes you crave, with more ease, flow, and joy; and start to uncover any fears or resistance that are blocking your Manifestation work (so you can begin to navigate them mote skillfully!). **session includes an intuitive combination of the I Ching (my fave oracle system), journaling, visualization, meditation, and coaching.


  • SUMMER MANIFESTATION GUIDED JOURNAL: includes powerful seasonal journaling and reflection questions to awaken your intuition & guide you deeply through each step of your Summer Manifestation work, with ease, focus, and joy!

  • FIND YOUR FLOW: WEEKLY SACRED SCHEDULING WORKBOOK: a 5 Step Process to help you discover your personal time and energy needs & then create a sacred schedule that honors them (so you can enjoy your days + get sh*t done with ease vs. overwhelm!)

  • A MINDFULNESS + MANIFESTATION ASSESSMENT SESSION: includes an assessment questionnaire + 30 minute follow-up session, to uncover your manifestation strengths and weaknesses, come up with a customized plan to help you strengthen your mindfulness and manifestation abilities this year; and answer any questions you have about cultivating greater focus, emotional resilience, and manifestation mastery!!

  • A GUIDED MINDFULNESS MEDITATION: my favorite Summer meditation to help keep you grounded, present, and in your body (and out of monkey mind) each day.

Summer Manifestation Deep Dive