Reawakening Your Feminine Powers: Part 3 {DESTRUCTION}
/As we move farther into the dark half of the year (Autumn and Winter), this is the perfect time to contemplate the balance between your own inner "dark" (Divine Feminine) energies and inner "light" (Divine Masculine) energies.
The Divine Feminine (aka. yin) and Divine Masculine (aka. yang) are the two most elemental powers that course through our bodies and move us through our lives each and every day.
And in my years of studying Chinese Medicine, I learned that flow & health can only exist when the two energies of yin and yang are in a state of RELATIVE BALANCE.
And when they drift too far out of balance, stagnation and dis-ease ALWAYS result.
Because we live in a excessively yang (and patriarchal) culture, we’ve been taught that it’s better to rely solely on our masculine powers to move through life each day (and neglect our feminine powers). This creates massive disharmony, with very real and often debilitating consequences for us (mentally, spiritually, and physically)… as well as causing harm to the collective and planet.
And so my intention over the next few weeks, with this “REAWAKENING YOUR FEMININE POWERS” blog series, is to help you:
see how your over-reliance on your masculine powers is actually causing harm.
and, reconnect with your feminine powers so you can create a healthier yin-yang balance, to experience greater peace, flow, and soul-aligned success in your life (without overwhelm, burn-out, or sacrificing happiness)!
In Part 1 here, we talked about your Feminine power of SLOWNESS. {click here to read it}. And in Part 2, we talked about your Feminine Power of GOING DEEP {click here to read it}.
And today, we’ll delve into what is arguably your greatest Feminine Power of all… your power of “DESTRUCTION”!
PART 3: Reawakening your Feminine Power of “DESTRUCTION”
We all love our Masculine (or yang) power of “ORDER”. “ORDER” is when all the pieces seem to fit neatly together. There’s a sense of clarity, certainty, and knowing. And with that sense of “ORDER”, we can construct and build things up. Or, we can maintain things as they are (situations, systems, relationships etc.) as they are. We like “ORDER” because it feels relatively safe and stable compared to it’s Feminine counterpart of “CHAOS”.
And as much as we’ve been conditioned to fear and avoid it at all costs, our Feminine Power of “CHAOS” & “DESTRUCTION” is one of our greatest superpowers!
“CHAOS” is when something (a relationship, a career, a system, an area of life, a plan, etc.) seems to be breaking down or falling apart. And this breakdown is accompanied by a sense of confusion and uncertainty. But with this sense of “CHAOS”, comes the powerful ability to “DESTROY” those systems, relationships, situations, etc. that are no longer healthy and working.
Without the Feminine power of “CHAOS” and “DESTRUCTION”, nothing old would die, and nothing new could be created. Without destruction, we couldn’t experience change or transformation in our lives!
In the words of Pablo Picasso, “All of creation is first an act of destruction.”
Here are some signs that you may be addicted to your Masculine power of “order” and disconnected from your Feminine power of “chaos” and destruction”:
a fear of being vulnerable (or looking emotionally ‘weak’ or unstable)
constantly trying to fix situations that are toxic or beyond repair (vs. letting them fall apart and trusting something better will arise in their place)
a desperate need for answers, clarity, and certainty (vs. being able to embrace a time of mystery, uncertainty and questioning… trusting that clarity and answers will arrive in their own time)
#1 Practice your MEDITATION TOOLS
While destruction and breakdown are powerful and necessary precursors to healing and change, they can feel scary and threatening to your nervous system. And so to let go of what you know and embrace the chaos, you’ve got to be able to regulate and navigate the challenging waves of emotions that come along with that fear and uncertainty.
And MEDITATION helps you ride the waves of the emotional storm that comes when things are in a state of breaking down, so you can get to the other side of breakthrough and transformation (with more self-trust, peace, and grace)!
But not just any type of meditation. I’ve found 4 specific meditation practices that, when used together, powerfully help you stay grounded, connect to your inner wisdom, and transmute a chaos and breakdown, into clarity and breakthrough!
No one should have to suffer in silence, when you’re going through a difficult time. So while you strengthen your meditation tools, you also want to make sure you have people who can help support you through these breakdown periods. These are friends, family, and trained professionals who know how to hold safe, non-judgmental space for you when you’re struggling.
Some tips for gathering you’re support community:
Make sure you ask a person if they have the mental and emotional capacity to hold space for you, before you emotionally dump on them.
Make sure you’re actively nurturing these same relationships all year long! Not just reaching out when you need something.
And make sure you’re willing to return the favor, by holding space for them when they too go through a tough time (as long as you feel mentally and emotionally able to do so at that time).
Navigating times of breakdown take a lot of mental, emotional, and physical energy! So be willing to give yourself plenty of time for rest and self-care when something big in your life is in a state of “destruction”. This may mean asking for more help and/or delaying projects, until you feel better able to manage it all again.