I Ching Full Moon Wisdom {April}
/Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. They're also known for stirring up emotions, to help shine a light on your blocks, so you can release them.
To assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy to our advantage, I asked my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, what energies are most potent now, and how we can best use them to create growth and change in our lives. (fyi: the I Ching speaks in a language called hexagrams)
The answer it gave was Hexagram #63, "After Completion".
This hexagram indicates that a situation or pattern (thought or behavior) you were previously struggling with has finally been transformed. You made it through the chaos to the light on the other side! Yay! Take a moment to celebrate your success and this new found peace and clarity.
But the key take-away in this hexagram right now, lies in the friendly, but stern, reminder:
Celebrate your new found ease and success, but do not become complacent and fall back into the old bad habits you've so painstakingly transformed.
“If you revert to this sort of carelessness now, you will undo all that you have worked to build... One minute we dip our toe in incorrectness, the next minute we are swimming in it, and the next, we drown. Therefore it is wiser to simply keep our toes dry in the first place.”
Changing a stuck situation in your life, is not something that magically happens over night.
Transformation is a process that happens over time as you release non-serving thoughts and behaviors that keep you stuck, and adopt new ones that instead create the circumstances you desire.
So getting this hexagram with this warning message now, indicates that you have successfully released a thought or behavior habit that was keeping you stuck. And because of this, you are now enjoying more peace, ease, and flow in that area of your life (ie. love, career, health, purpose, etc). But old habits are quick to return if you're not mindful, bringing with them those old stuck circumstances.
“When we have achieved success or are close to it, it is in our nature to want to relax and allow the ego to bask in glory.”
TAKE ACTION >> During this week of the full moon, take a moment to check yourself.
What are some of the new and beneficial thought and behavior patterns you've adopted recently? Are any of your old, non-serving thought or behavior habits creeping back in and threatening to ruin some positive change you've achieved in your life?
If so, don't panic or beat yourself up over it! Remember, transformation is a process that takes time, patience, and a continuous determination (and tweaking of habits).
This resurfacing of old patterns is actually a very natural part of the transformation process.
The more you practice acknowledging them as soon as they come up, and continually replace them with the new thoughts and behaviors you've adopted (or desire), the more you'll solidify the new positive habits and transformations you've begun to experience.
You're in a critical part of the transformation process! Don't get lazy now. Keep doing the work and you'll find lasting success and happiness around the corner.
Having a firm understanding of how the transformation process works and what stage you're in at any given moment is crucial if you want to actively and gracefully create change in your relationships, career, health, and life in general. Because if you're not actively creating change in your life, you're either staying stuck or passively letting outside circumstances dictate your life circumstances.
If you want to learn how to actively navigate the transformation process with more ease and grace, so you feel like you're in the driver seat of your life, then you're in for a treat!
Next week I'm starting a FREE 4-Part Training called "The Art of Transformation: 4 Steps to Using Meditation to Create More Peace and Lasting Change in Your Life".
It's time to take back control of your life and learn to co-create it with the universe, rather than sitting back idly, staying stuck or letting outside circumstances (and people) create it for you!