Winter Solstice, the Cave, & the Crone

Winter Solstice, the Cave, & the Crone

As the chaos of Eclipse season begins to settle and we meet the Winter Solstice, a new energetic cycle sweeps in to work its magic on us… IF we allow it to. We’ve made our descent to the darkest point of the year, the silent night.

And while you may have been taught to fear the silent darkness, in reality it holds a treasure trove of wisdom just waiting for you to venture in and claim it!

Over the past decade I’ve found myself naturally embracing the rhythms of the witches’ “Wheel of the Year” (rooted in mother Earth’s energetic seasons), rather than our modern calendar.

And since then, instead of abruptly diving into the “new year, new me!”, New Year’s resolution mentality, (that society tries hard to pressure us into on January 1st), I’ve begun to associate the six week period between the Winter Solstice (on December 21st) and Imbolc (on February 1st), as a metaphorical CAVE where I retreat for deep stillness, rest, and reflection.

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3 Questions to Ask yourself this August to Ensure you Manifest that Big Vision Board Dream This Year!

Harvest Season has officially arrived! And an argument could be made that, in terms of “Manifestation”, the next three months are the most critical of the year!

Here’s why…

Between August and November many Pagans celebrate three harvest festivals, which mark a time when the seeds planted in Spring are reaching full fruition and ready to be harvested for food. The first of these festivals called Lughnasadh, is celebrated on August 1st primarily as a grain festival (and is sometimes called the “Sabbat of First Fruits”).¹ (if you’re curious, the other two harvest festivals are Mabon on September 22nd and Samhain on October 31st).

To make sure that you too have a successful harvest and bring your yearly “idea seeds” to full, tangible fruition (rather than leaving them in the world of your dreams and “new year resolutions”), you can look to Mother Earth’s growth cycle for manifestation wisdom.

vision board

Harvest Season reminds you that if you set annual intentions and resolutions for change at the beginning of the year, between August and November you should be seeing some real, tangible signs that your desire is indeed manifesting.

And if you don’t start to see some form of physical change or manifestation in your life during Harvest Season, you’ve got to get really honest with yourself and figure how you’re blocking your seeds of desire from growing to full fruition.

Normally during Harvest Season, Summer’s fiery, yang energy will fuel you to take more consistent and persistent action to physically create your greatest desire (or desired change) for the year! And between August and November you’ll experience the impacts of change and manifestation in your life, little by little.

But manifestation doesn’t always happen, if you don’t know how (or aren’t equipped) to do the intense Summer manifestation work.

Over the years I’ve noticed 3 main ways manifestation during Harvest Season can unfold for people (#3 is what we’re aiming for!):

  1. You get stuck in fear, doubt, resistance, boredom, or the busyness of Summer and can’t seem to focus and show up to take consistent, persistent action towards creating your greatest desire for the year! The next thing you know, it’s December and you’re feeling guilty that the biggest dream on your vision board never quite came to life this year.

  2. You use all your will-power and energy to painstakingly manifest your desire (or create the change you wanted). But afterwards you feel burnt out and discover that the change you created doesn’t last, because it wasn’t rooted in sustainable mental and behavioral habit change! (ie. you work really hard to lose 30 pounds only to gain it back shortly after; you manifest a great partner, only to sabotage the relationship months later; etc.).

  3. Summer’s fire energy fuels you to take more consistent and persistent action, you laser focus that action, and you tangibly MANIFEST and MAINTAIN your greatest desire (or desired change) for the year! (**and you work to maintain the change in the following months and years, by solidifying your new, aligned mental and behavioral patterns).

As a sensitive, introvert, and empath (prone to anxiety), I tend to live in the world of my mind, imagination, and dreams. I’m highly creative and great at visioning the changes and creative projects I want to birth in my life and the world! And yet I’ve often struggled committing to one thing AND focusing my energy to take consistent, persistent action towards tangibly manifesting that one thing, during the second half of the year.

And so, for years I mostly tended towards manifestation scenario #1 above (with scenario #2 showing up when I got frustrated enough to force myself into action!). And many of my community members and clients find themselves falling into similar patterns this time of year.

So as August initiates us into this year’s three month Harvest season, it’s time to make sure your own 2021 dreams and ‘desired change’ seeds, have a fighting chance to come to full blown fruition and TANGIBLE MANIFESTATION in your life this year! Rather than living another year solely in your imagination and vision board.

Here are 3 QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF THIS AUGUST, to ensure that you tangibly manifest your biggest desire this year!

QUESTION #1: What is my ONE GREATEST DESIRE that I want to tangibly manifest by November this year?

Summer’s energy is full of potential growth power, ready to be focused for some massive manifestation work. Manifestation takes FOCUS, COMMITMENT, and consistent, persistent ACTION.

And so this first harvest festival of Lughnasadh asks you to CHOOSE ONE desire (or desired change) to laser focus on and commit to, while you shelf the other dozen ideas, projects, and desired changes you’re giving energy to… at least for the next few months of Harvest Season!

Trying to manifest or change every single thing on your vision board at once is a sure way to manifest nothing fully!

Also, while it’s great to stretch yourself, be sure to keep the one desire you do choose relatively realistic.

So, what big desire can you realistically bring to fruition, over the next 3-4 months, with focus and hard work (while also honoring the amount of time and energy you’re willing to devote to growing that desire now)?

QUESTION #2: What are 3 TANGIBLE SIGNS that my desire is actually manifesting from idea into physical form?

Remember, if you set annual intentions and resolutions for change at the beginning of the year, between August and November you should be seeing some real, tangible signs that your desire is indeed manifesting.

So how will you know your desire is actually manifesting? What are the tangible micro-changes you’ll experience on your way to fully creating that desire? How will you know you’re taking the right actions and getting closer (versus staying stuck in the same old behaviors and mindsets)?

Again, be realistic here. If you take your realistic desire from above and showed up as consistently and persistently as you can to create it over the next three months, what are three sign-posts you expect to see on your way to full manifestation?

QUESTION #3: What is one NEW, ALIGNED IMPACT ACTION that I can commit to doing this month to manifest my desire?

If you want something different, you must DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. And so if you haven’t yet fully manifested your big desire or change for the year, now is the time to get clear on what the best new action(s) are that will help you close the gap between who you are and who you need to become to manifest that desire.

And then, TAKE THOSE NEW ACTIONS, consistently and persistently until you see the changes start to unfold.

Note that these aren’t just any old actions you can think of. The best actions are what I call “IMPACT ACTIONS”. A few simple, focused actions that will create the greatest impact in your manifestation journey (without creating overwhelm or burn-out).

I love to use an oracle system like the I Ching to get myself and clients clarity on our new impact actions. Then focus on a one new action at each new moon, during harvest season. And then, spend the rest of the monthly moon cycle refining and strengthening that action into a habit!

Want to know how ✨Mindfulness + Intuitive Transformational Coaching✨ can help you do this life-changing work now? Apply for a free Discovery Session below!

¹ Edain McCoy, The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways, Llewellyn Publications, 1994.

How to 'Do Better', once you 'Know Better'.

As we leave the first Eclipse Season of the year and enter Summer, the energies shift drastically! And as these new energies sweep in, they’re asking us to show up very differently than we did in Spring.

To help guide us, I asked my favorite oracle system (the I Ching) how to best align with the new energies, during this first month of Summer. And she answered with the hexagram* of “SMOTHERED LIGHT”. (*like the cards of a tarot deck, ‘hexagrams’ are the language and wisdom of the I Ching!)

To really understand the energy of July, the “Smothered Light” hexagram gives us the image of earth, over fire.

July Oracle ReadingSmall.png

Imagine you’ve just lit a bonfire and begin to add wood (which is a form of earth) to help it grow. If you just throw a bunch of wood on the new fire, mindlessly, you run the risk of smothering it, rather then helping it grow. But, if you MINDFULLY place the wood in the fire with intention, you fuel the new flames and they grow bigger and stronger!

In the image above:

  • THE FIRE🔥represents your own inner light, clarity, insight, and empowered truth that has emerged (and grown exponentially) during the May-June eclipse season.

  • and THE WOOD represents the “initiation situations” you’ll encounter (or perhaps are already encountering) this month, that will help initiate you into the newer more aligned version of YOU, that is ready to show up fully this year. (more on this below)

Let me explain this a bit more. The 6 week Spring Eclipse season, that just ended, was especially important in helping bring you massive inner breakthrough, insight, and empowerment around what you deeply desire this year + what’s truly been blocking you from creating it (as long as you did some inner healing work during Eclipse season).

But while the inner breakthroughs of Eclipse Season may feel really powerful, it’s important to remember that BREAKTHROUGHS ON THEIR OWN, DON’T GUARANTEE MANIFESTATION or tangible change in your life!

So if you’re serious about bringing those desires on your 2021 vision board to life this year, now’s the time to roll up your sleeves and fuel the flames of your new-found inner breakthroughs into outer transformation, by taking strategic and intentional ACTION this Summer!

And because the Universe is always helping us co-create our soul desires, she will start to give you some very synchronistic “INITIATION SITUATIONS” this month!

These “initiation situations” are circumstances that feel challenging, but that turn out to be the perfect opportunities to get some real time practice, releasing the mental and behavioral blocks you discovered during Eclipse Season, and then practice showing up as the new, more aligned version of YOU (who can easily manifest your 2021 desires)!

Here’s an example of an “Initiation Situation” playing out…

Let’s say you really want to to create deep self-love and confidence, so that you can manifest a healthy partnership this year. And Eclipse Season helped you discover that one of the biggest things blocking you from cultivating that deep self-love and confidence right now, is your lack of setting and honoring boundaries in your relationships.

And so sometime this month, you may find yourself confronted with a situation in which someone close to you really tests your boundaries! And, you’re forced to TAKE ACTION to either practice the new, more empowered (yet still awkward) “conscious boundary setting” habit… OR choose to revert back to your old pattern of self-betrayal, which then perpetuates your lack of self-love and confidence.

The most important thing to remember about these “INITIATION SITUATIONS” is that, while they may seem like they’re threatening to smother the light of your newly found clarity, truth, and power… in reality, THEY’RE HERE TO MORE FULLY INITIATE YOU into the person you need to become, to manifest your greatest desires before the end of the year!

If there was a quote that summed up the energy of this month it would be this one by Maya Angelou…

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
— Maya Angelou

For the first 6 months of the year (and pre-eclipse season), you did the best you could with the level of awareness that you had.

But, now as you exit Eclipse season and move into the second half of the year, IT’S TIME TO DO BETTER, with all your Eclipse season clarity, breakthroughs, and new knowing!

And to help you “do better, now that you know better”, here are 3 steps to take this month, to ensure that you actually create the tangible changes you crave in your life (and the world) this year!


I wrote all about this in last month’s oracle reading here. But I’m repeating it, because taking time to REFLECT on and DIGEST all the synchronicities, breakthroughs, and lessons from the pre-Summer Eclipse season is key to how much you transform, heal, and manifest in your life over the final 6 months of the year!

And so if you haven’t yet taken time to process and integrate your Eclipse Season lessons from last month, grab your journal and some tea, and REFLECT ON THESE 3 THINGS ASAP!


Once you integrate all of your Eclipse season breakthroughs, your inner awareness and wisdom is different than it was just a month ago. In other words, you now know better! And as Maya Angelou says, “When you know better, do better”!

And so, it’s now time to start SHOWING UP DIFFERENTLY in your outer ACTIONS!

To help you do this, the Universe will often deliver you “Initiation Situations”. These situations may feel oppressive and threaten to smother the light of all your new-found clarity, wisdom, and power.

But when you STAY MINDFUL and navigate them with INTENTION, you’ll see that they are actually perfect opportunities to more fully INITIATE YOU into the person you need to become (mentally & behaviorally), to manifest your greatest desires this year!

Without these initiation situations this month, you might not get to practice showing up as the NEW YOU, release the old patterns, and really anchor all your new inner breakthroughs into tangible change!


So when you find yourself in the midst of an “Initiation Situation” this month, it’s so important to STAY MINDFUL and remember that you’ll have two choices:

  1. the choice to show up differently, with the new more empowered mindsets and behaviors, that you discovered over Eclipse Season (that may still feel awkward, vulnerable, and scary to try out!).

  2. OR, the choice to go back to your old mindsets and behaviors that you now know are no longer serving you and the changes you want this year (but also still feel so familiar, safe, and easy!).

And, if you find yourself reverting back to your old patterns at first don’t worry! This is actually a super normal part of the transformation process.

The good news is that you’ll get multiple “initiation situations” to show up as the “new, empowered YOU” this Summer! Just keep staying mindful and keep practicing “doing better, now that you know better!”.

Because the more you “do better” (even just a little!) and choose the new ways, the more you’ll strengthen those more empowered mindsets and behaviors (and release the old ones)! AND the greater chance you have of choosing the new again, and again, and again.

And, THAT 👆 is exactly how you turn your inner Eclipse breakthroughs into outer transformations this Summer! And, that is how you change your life!

If you want to talk about how ✨Mindfulness + Intuitive Transformational Coaching✨ can help you do this life-changing work now, apply for a free Discovery Session below!

Full Moon I Ching Wisdom {June 2017}

Full moons are always a potent time, ripe for bringing about great personal growth and transformation. They're also known for stirring up difficult emotions (as a way to help you see and release any blocks or non-serving patterns). And they're an especially powerful time to go deep within and gain insight to help propel yourself towards the creation of your deepest desires.

 My favorite tool to tap into the specific full moon energy each month is an oracle system called the I Ching. So here's what the I Ching has to say about how best to use this month's Full Moon energy to create the change you crave in your life!

After setting up my sacred space and grounding, I asked the I Ching,

"How can we use this potent Full Moon energy, to step more fully into our power, align more powerfully with our true-selves, and create our deepest soul desires and dreams that are ready to be manifest in this world now?".

(fyi: the I Ching speaks in a language called hexagrams)

And it answered us with Hexagram, #8 "JOINING".

As an introvert and sensitive, I have a huge tendency to isolate myself cozily in my home, especially when I feel stuck or when I'm experiencing the mental and emotional heaviness that can come along with growth. And I know a lot of you share these same tendencies!

The I Ching wants to remind us that while alone time is extremely powerful and necessary, so is leaving the cave and joining with others in community.

This is an especially powerful time to achieve your own transformation and dream manifestation, through the act of JOINING with others.

Without joining two pieces of wood we would have neither furniture or houses. Without joining with others, it is impossible to build any great endeavor.
— Deng Ming-Dao, The Living I Ching

So what exactly does "JOINING" mean for you? Well it's going to look differently for everyone. For me right now, it means saying "yes" more when my girlfriends invite me out (even when my introvert instincts react with excuses to go home and relax on the couch, lol). It means I push out of my shy shell to teach more, and I host more moon rituals to bring women together in spiritual community. And it also means I reach out more to connect with fellow female leaders, and I actively seek out opportunities to be interviewed by peers (I did a couple last month and they were fun!!).

"JOINING" for you may look very different depending on what you're working to heal or manifest right now in your life.

The key is to go within to uncover where you need to embody more of this "JOINING" energy in your own life now. For some of you, "JOINING" might simply be getting a cup of tea with a friend once a week, instead of isolating yourself at home because you're in a funk. Or it might be choosing to read or do work out of a coffee shop instead of from your home. For others, this could mean partnering up with someone on a project or enlisting other community leaders to help you get your work or gifts out in a bigger way. Or it could mean hiring a mentor or coach to help you reach some of your life or health goals.


Here's a simple reflection practice to help you uncover how the power of "JOINING" can help you step more fully into your power, align more powerfully with your true-self, and start to create your deepest soul desires during this full moon cycle.

  1. Take a moment to ground yourself with some mindful breaths.
  2. Think of somewhere you feel stuck in your life right now. Or you can think of something you deeply crave, but have had trouble manifesting.
  3. Grab a journal if you'd like to write down what comes up for you. (I recommend this since writing can help you tap into that more intuitive, creative part of yourself).
  4. Ask yourself "How can I invoke the power of JOINING now, to spark more flow with (insert stuck situation or desire)?" 
  5. And then just allow whatever comes up to surface. Don't sensor or judge yourself. Simply allow everything to flow with curiosity. And have fun with it!
Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
— Helen Keller

Full Moon I Ching Wisdom {September}

Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. They're also known for stirring up emotions, to help shine a light on your blocks, so you can release them and create more flow and alignment in your life.

This month, we've got a full moon and a lunar eclipse. So it's an especially powerful time to gain insight and more easily create any shifts you've been craving in your life! To assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy to create shifts, I asked my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, what energies are most potent now, and how we can best use them. (fyi: the I Ching speaks in a language called hexagrams)

And it answered us with two Hexagrams, #16 "DELIGHT" and #17 "FOLLOWING".

I've noticed a trend with clients and friends I've spoken to lately. They've got a clear picture of what they want. They're visualizing it regularly and working really hard to achieve it. They're putting in long hours, saying no to things that hold them back, and being mindful to uncover any mental blocks that could stand in their way. They're doing the work, but something just feels off.

And when they take a moment to reflect, they realize that while they're more committed to their dream than ever, they're not actually having fun creating it.

They've forgotten a very important and fundamental truth. They've forgotten that enjoying the journey is is an important part of the life, because life is the journey...not the destination.

You think that the goal is to be over there, and we say the goal is the journey over there. But the goal is the fun you have along the way, on your way over there.
— Abraham-Hicks

Too often we think some goal will bring us the happiness we seek, only to get there and find we're still not happy.

So you're now reminded to come back to what truly DELIGHTS you. What was it about your original dream or goal that lit you up?

When you close your eyes and picture yourself in your dream scenario, what are the core feelings you notice?

Do you feel Free? Advnenturous? Connected? Loved? Ease? Joy? etc.

And when you think about your journey thus far to create your dream scenario, what are the core feelings you've been feeling? Do they match the feelings above? Or are they more in the realm of Stressed, Overwhelmed, Fearful, or Anxious?

The I Ching hexagram of Delight, reminds us that if we're waiting for the manifestation of our dream scenario to feel those desired feelings, we've got it all backwards. 

Instead, it's by working to cultivate those desired feelings on a daily basis, that we'll get to our dream scenario with more ease.

By doing things daily that create those desired feelings in you: 

  • you'll enjoy the creation process (aka. your life) more,
  • you'll be in a more open energetic state to receive guidance and synchronistic opportunities,
  • AND you'll get "there" faster. Even if "there" doesn't look like how you originally imagined it would.

So get back to those desired feelings that truly DELIGHT you....on a deep soul level. For me it's adventure, freedom, and deep connection. I started this online spiritual business to connect on a deeper level with women, to create more freedom in my life so I could travel and feel adventurous. But after some time pushing forward, I realized I felt disconnected and confined sitting behind my computer working all day, and I felt bored and stale...not adventurous at all!!

Once I had that realization, I realized that I didn't have to wait until I could take regular trips to far off places to feel free and adventurous, nor did I have to wait until I was ready to lead women's groups in by business to feel deeply connected. If I chose to, I could create those feelings on a daily basis starting now!

Here's what I did, and what you can do during this full moon too.

  1. Visualize your dream scenario and tap into what your main feelings are in it.
  2. Grab pen and paper, and write down each feeling core feeling across the top of your paper (leaving space below each one to brainstorm).
  3. Now, go one by one, and brainstorm things you can do now that would cultivate that feeling in you. Be creative and be open to different possibilities.

So for me it was a vision of me working my dream job as a spiritual mentor and traveling the world to teach and meet new people. This vision brought me feelings of adventure, freedom, and deep connection. While I'm not at my dream scenario yet and was starting to feel stale and disconnected as I worked to create that vision, I knew I could start creating those feelings right now regardless of my current outside circumstances.

To create feelings of adventure and freedom, I began scheduling myself an hour to take a walk every day. I'll drive my car to a new part of my neighborhood that I'd never been, park, and just start walking (after dropping a pin to mark my starting point on my phone!).

I love the feeling of taking in new houses, new smells, and even of getting lost after wandering for awhile. Here are some pics from my adventure today. I even discovered a creek a couple miles from my house!


Images by Brandi Grooms,

Images by Brandi Grooms,

And to create the deep connection I'd been craving, I became a founding member of a new local women's networking group. I started working closely with other like-minded women to plan events and create a community of local high-vibe entrepreneurs.

It's been so much fun! And I'm now feeling that sense of  connection I craved on a daily basis!





If you stop pushing yourself kicking and screaming towards your goals, tap into those feelings that actually bring you delight, and allow them to guide you throughout your days, you'll find so much more ease, happiness, and success in your life. 

Give it a try and let me know how it goes in the comments below!

Full Moon I Ching Wisdom {August}

Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. They're also known for stirring up emotions, to help shine a light on your blocks, so you can release them and create more flow and alignment in your life.

To assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy to our advantage, I asked my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, what energies are most potent now, and how we can best use them to create growth and change in our lives. (fyi: the I Ching speaks in a language called hexagrams)

The answer it gives us is Hexagram #61, "CONFIDENCE WITHIN".

Over the past few years of writing on this blog and working with clients, I've started to notice a unifying thread among those of you attracted to my work. Most of you crave personal growth and deep soul alignment. And even if you don't realize it yet, you're just not content settling for mediocrity in any area of your life. Sure, you may get stuck there from time to time out of fear or the need to feel safe....but eventually you hear your soul's longings to grow and finally seek out change.

This month's message from the I Ching is for you change seekers and personal growth junkies. Especially those of you currently hiding out in the safety of mediocrity. Like a snake shedding a skin that no longer fits, it is time to transform!

And one of the most critical traits needed for the path of transformation and achieving personal greatness is CONFIDENCE.

Not just any confidence, but that deep soul, confidence that grows through experience, wisdom, courage, and trust. The I Ching calls this, "CONFIDENCE WITHIN".

If you're serious about creating a life of deep fulfillment and becoming the best you can be, you've got to unlock that powerful quality of "confidence within". 

We can not do anything of significance until we believe in ourselves. You have to know what you can do, you have to be confident in your core values, and you have to be willing to act. Then there is Confidence Within. Accomplishments create more confidence, and more confidence creates greater success.
— The Living I Ching, Deng Ming-Dao

But how do you create confidence when you feel you don't quite have any yet?

This was a question I had not too long ago. I did google searches and bought books on "confidence" hoping to absorb some of that magical quality through the words on the pages. When that didn't work, I eventually realized that confidence was actually already within me.

Confidence is something we're born with that can lay dormant if we allow it to, through fear and hiding out in safe and mediocre circumstances for too long.

The path to awakening that dormant inner confidence is through ACTION. As the I Ching says, "Confidence increases when there is progress." 


As a sensitive person who's struggled a lot with fear and anxiety, I realize that the idea of pushing out of your comfort zone to take action can cause even more fear and anxiety and stop you dead in your tracks.

So the key for me in awakening my confidence within, has been taking consistent baby steps over time. 

You don't have to transform your life overnight. For some of you, leaping off a giant cliff to create change may feel invigorating and exciting. But for others (like me), hopping off that stone may be all you can manage right now, and it's enough!

Any step outside of your comfort zone (no matter how small it may feel) will awaken more of your confidence within. With consistent baby steps your confidence will grow. And pretty soon you'll be hopping off boulders, and then eventually that cliff won't feel as scary!

TAKE ACTION (some questions to incorporate into your full moon ritual): 

  • Where in my life am I allowing fear to keep me stuck in mediocrity? 
  • Now visualize what you want instead. Ask yourself "If I had a magic wand and all the confidence in the world, what would be possible for me?" (don't forget to tap into the feelings of that picture)
  • Now visualize a baby step you can take. Something just out of your comfort zone to feel like a stretch, but not too far out that it causes panic, contraction, and shut down.
  • Visualize yourself doing it successfully with ease, confidence, and any other feeling you crave.
  • NOW GO DO IT!! You've got this!

If you need help doing a full moon ritual then this free FULL MOON RITUAL GUIDE is perfect for you!

And if you're still feeling stuck and can't quite stir up the clarity and courage to take that baby step, check out my personalized I CHING CLARITY SESSIONS. That's exactly what they're designed for, and full moons are a powerful time to gain clarity anywhere in your life.

Full Moon I Ching Wisdom {July}

Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. They're also known for stirring up emotions, to help shine a light on your blocks, so you can release them and create more flow and alignment in your life.

To assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy to our advantage, I asked my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, what energies are most potent now, and how we can best use them to create growth and change in our lives. (fyi: the I Ching speaks in a language called hexagrams)

The answer it gave us is Hexagram #16, "Delight" or "Enthusiasm".

A big part of what I teach is that obstacles and struggles are your greatest opportunities to find your way back to your true-self, your purpose, and your deepest fulfillment. But I'll be the first to admit that, while extremely powerful, using your obstacles and shadow parts for growth isn't often easy. And sometimes it starts to feel so heavy that you get burnt out doing the work.

This hexagram reminds us that there are other, lighter ways to evolve and grow into your best self (when you need a break from the heavy stuff).

Following your "Delight" or enthusiasm is another path towards your purpose, truth, and happiness.

Proper enthusiasm opens every door.
— I Ching (translation by Brian Browne Walker)

Simply start noticing what what lights you up. What delights you? What brings you joy? And then follow that path!

There's a small caveat to this method. The I Ching points out that there is a difference between "proper enthusiasm" and "improper enthusiasm".

Proper enthusiasm is cultivated from your soul, while improper enthusiasm is cultivated from your ego.

So the key to using your "Delight" to guide you back to your true-self, is through learning how to differentiate between your ego's enthusiasm and desires, and those of your soul. Ego delights will provide temporary feel good, while soul delights will bring deep and long-lasting fulfillment and happiness.

Separating guidance from the ego and soul isn't always easy. The ego is tricky and likes to disguise its messages as soul messages. But there is a way to learn how to tell the difference.

The best way to easily begin to differentiate between the ego's and soul's delights is through a regular meditation practice. 

When I'm meditating regularly, I feel more directly connected to my inner wise-woman who isn't fooled by the ego. She sees right through that bs! And when I neglect my practice, ego guidance starts to slip through and lead me astray.

Take Action: Play with letting your delight guide you this month. Notice when ego delight leads you off path, and when soul delight guides you back. And notice what helps you differentiate the two easier, so you can do more of that.

And if you've been wanting to start or become more consistent with your meditation practice, I invite you to participate in the new 12 Day Meditation Challenge. It's Free and it's happening right here in my "Meditate with Ease" Facebook community, starting July 21st!

I Ching Summer Solstice Wisdom {June}

I Ching Summer Solstice Wisdom {June}

This month we're surrounded by both the full moon and solstice energies. I've been working with the I Ching as my oracle system of choice for almost a decade, and I still get chills at how magically aligned its messages feel each and I every time I work with it. Whether it's for myself or for a client. And this month's message couldn't be more appropriate. 

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I Ching Full Moon Wisdom {April}

Hexagram 63 After Completion.jpg

Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. They're also known for stirring up emotions, to help shine a light on your blocks, so you can release them. 

To assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy to our advantage, I asked my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, what energies are most potent now, and how we can best use them to create growth and change in our lives. (fyi: the I Ching speaks in a language called hexagrams)

The answer it gave was Hexagram #63, "After Completion".

This hexagram indicates that a situation or pattern (thought or behavior) you were previously struggling with has finally been transformed. You made it through the chaos to the light on the other side! Yay! Take a moment to celebrate your success and this new found peace and clarity.

But the key take-away in this hexagram right now, lies in the friendly, but stern, reminder:

Celebrate your new found ease and success, but do not become complacent and fall back into the old bad habits you've so painstakingly transformed.

If you revert to this sort of carelessness now, you will undo all that you have worked to build... One minute we dip our toe in incorrectness, the next minute we are swimming in it, and the next, we drown. Therefore it is wiser to simply keep our toes dry in the first place.
— The I Ching

Changing a stuck situation in your life, is not something that magically happens over night.

Transformation is a process that happens over time as you release non-serving thoughts and behaviors that keep you stuck, and adopt new ones that instead create the circumstances you desire.

So getting this hexagram with this warning message now, indicates that you have successfully released a thought or behavior habit that was keeping you stuck. And because of this, you are now enjoying more peace, ease, and flow in that area of your life (ie. love, career, health, purpose, etc). But old habits are quick to return if you're not mindful, bringing with them those old stuck circumstances.

When we have achieved success or are close to it, it is in our nature to want to relax and allow the ego to bask in glory.
— The I Ching

TAKE ACTION >> During this week of the full moon, take a moment to check yourself. 

What are some of the new and beneficial thought and behavior patterns you've adopted recently? Are any of your old, non-serving thought or behavior habits creeping back in and threatening to ruin some positive change you've achieved in your life?

If so, don't panic or beat yourself up over it! Remember, transformation is a process that takes time, patience, and a continuous determination (and tweaking of habits). 

This resurfacing of old patterns is actually a very natural part of the transformation process. 

The more you practice acknowledging them as soon as they come up, and continually replace them with the new thoughts and behaviors you've adopted (or desire), the more you'll solidify the new positive habits and transformations you've begun to experience. 

You're in a critical part of the transformation process! Don't get lazy now. Keep doing the work and you'll find lasting success and happiness around the corner.

Having a firm understanding of how the transformation process works and what stage you're in at any given moment is crucial if you want to actively and gracefully create change in your relationships, career, health, and life in general. Because if you're not actively creating change in your life, you're either staying stuck or passively letting outside circumstances dictate your life circumstances.

If you want to learn how to actively navigate the transformation process with more ease and grace, so you feel like you're in the driver seat of your life, then you're in for a treat! 

Next week I'm starting a FREE 4-Part Training called "The Art of Transformation: 4 Steps to Using Meditation to Create More Peace and Lasting Change in Your Life".

It's time to take back control of your life and learn to co-create it with the universe, rather than sitting back idly, staying stuck or letting outside circumstances (and people) create it for you!

Just sign up below to get all 4 parts of the training sent right to your inbox. 

I Ching Full Moon Wisdom {March}

Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. And also known for stirring up emotions, to help shine a light on your blocks, so you can release them. This month, during the full moon, we also have an eclipse which adds to the deeply reflective power of the time. This means that if you're feeling stuck or confused in your life, it's an especially easy time to connect to your inner wisdom and gain the insight for solutions and forward movement. 

Making time monthly during the full moon to reflect, has consistently helped me stay on purpose and shift difficult and stagnant areas of my life. A few years ago, I began combining my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, with my full moon practice and KABAM, the "I Ching Moon Wisdom" was born. 

So to assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy for transformation, I asked the I Ching, what energies are most potent now and how can we best use them. (fyi: the I Ching speaks in a language called hexagrams)

The answer it gave was Hexagram #62, "SMALL CROSSING".

"Small Crossing" has a couple meanings and lessons that you can benefit from right now. The first is "small crossing" as in "a slight excess". The second is "small crossing" as in  "a small step past a milestone" (aka. a baby-step). So what exactly does this mean for you right now? Let's break it down.

1) Small Crossing as "A SLIGHT EXCESS"

Taking firm control over our lives will inevitably lead to small excesses as we struggle for control over ourselves.
— I Ching

The lesson here is that as you journey in your life and grow, there will be times when you go too far. You go past your boundaries. You make mistakes. Maybe there's even a mistake you've made recently that's causing you guilt, regret, or shame. Or perhaps someone else has wronged you and it's causing you pain.

Take this as a gentle reminder to forgive yourself (or someone else) and move on.

2) Small Crossing as a "BABY STEP"

People never fully comprehend the full power of the small. For the wise, it takes only a touch to set a wheel turning– and then that wheel amplifies the power of their touch.
— I Ching

Grand actions or big life overhauls aren't needed right now. It's the correct little shift, the "baby steps", that will make all the difference in your life now. This is such a crucial lesson! The big dream is important and serves as a compass for all of your decisions. But sometimes your ideal relationship, job, or life in general seem so far out of reach that you get overwhelmed wondering how you'll get there. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and possibly giving up altogether.

So this hexagram is a reminder that once you see the big picture vision, just start by taking tiny baby-steps in that direction.

And if you don't know what the your ideal big picture looks like, or you're not sure what baby-step to take, now is a powerful time to go within and get some answers! 

::Try This>> (get quiet and meditate on these)

  • Where do you feel most stuck right now? 
  • Visualization Meditation: If you had a magic wand, what would that stuck situation look and feel like instead? Imagine it (in detail) using as many senses as possible. What are your main feelings in this ideal scenario? (ie. adventurous, free, connected, etc.)
  • Reflection Meditation 1: Ask "What is one small "baby step" that will bring me closer to [ideal scenario]?
  • Reflection Meditation 2: Ask "What is one small thing I need to release (think belief, thought, behavior, a person, etc.) that is blocking me from creating [ideal scenario]?
    • Visualize that small thing being released from your energy field and floating into a fire to be transformed.

Sometimes the best next baby-step is an action, but sometimes just a simple mindset shift can powerfully catalyze change.

For example a had a lovely client who came to me feeling depressed and stuck in her career (and other aspects of her life). After a 45 minute session (plus a few days to process the shifts), she had several aha moments and went from feeling exhausted and very stuck, to feeling hopeful again. We also discussed some meditations she could do to keep the energy flowing and the clarity coming. Nothing in her physical "stuck" big picture necessarily shifted immediately. But her mental and energetic state went from depressed (contracted) to hopeful (open).

She then received an email as if by magic (or coincidence, depending on your beliefs), from a friend recommending her for a great new job! Getting that email likely added to her hope and expansive feelings, which will likely attract more opportunity her way.

So when you're feeling stuck and overwhelmed, please do not underestimate the power of a little clarity and a baby-step!

If you're feeling stuck anywhere in your life right now, try the meditations above for clarity as to your next baby-step. If you're new to meditation or need help tapping into your inner wisdom to uncover your best next steps, you can learn more about my I Ching Clarity Sessions here.

I Ching Full Moon Wisdom {February}

Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. Taking time monthly during the full moon to reflect, has consistently helped me stay on purpose and shift difficult and stagnant areas of my life. A few years ago, I began combining my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, with my full moon practice and KABAM, "I Ching Moon" readings were born. 

So to assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy for transformation, I asked the I Ching, what energies are most potent, now and how we can best use them. (fyi: the I Ching speaks through something called hexagrams)

The answer it gave was Hexagram #35, "ADVANCING".

We are currently in a very fortuitous time! The I Ching describes this time as, outer fortune coinciding with inner power. And after practically a whole month of Mercury retrograde (which is more a time of holding for many), we now find ourselves in a time where flow and potential for progress is great. 

I am definitely feeling this energy right now. And in fact, there's this sense that the year is just getting started. January and early February felt a bit like trudging through mud. I had a lot of ideas for new projects but none felt quite ready to move forward. Then a couple weeks ago, one of my ideas (a meditation challenge) really started to take shape. I went deep into my "creative cave" and spent my energy creating and planning.

And when I emerged 6 days ago and put my creative endeavor out into the world, that feeling of trudging through mud was replaced by the sensation of flowing down a fast moving river.

And next thing I knew, there were over 100 people signed up!

This is what "ADVANCING" feels like.

Advancing happens when our own goals agree with the times.
— The I Ching

To make the most of this opportune time, here are some things to keep in mind:

1) Be careful not to overextend yourself.

You may be tempted to, given the current flow of energy, but this would be dangerous. Instead find a balance between taking advantage of this time of "advancing", and also accumulating your resources (time, energy, money, etc) for later. Focus on using this powerful energy to increase support systems and create connections that will be beneficial later. Because the time of "advancing" will not last forever.

2) If you don't feel this energy of flow and advancing in your own life, take some time to go within and reflect.

Are you blocking yourself from this energy in any way? Is fear or doubt holding you back?

To allow the outer "advancing" of this time to happen for you, it may be first necessary to allow inner "advancing" by uncovering and releasing whatever blocks you've subconsciously put up. And this is an opportune time to do that too, under the power of full moon.

Whether you feel the "advancing" energy and just need some insight on how to flow through with balance, OR you feel blocked from this energy, you can benefit from going within now. 

Meditation, especially reflection and releasing practices, are appropriate for all during the full moon. 

If you need help getting started or just creating more consistency with your meditation practice, I have a free challenge starting tomorrow! Click below to sign up.

I Ching Full Moon Wisdom {December}

Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. Taking time monthly during the full moon to reflect has consistently helped me stay on purpose and shift difficult and stagnant areas of my life. A few years ago, I began combining my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, with my full moon practice and BAM, "I Ching Moon Wisdom" readings were born. 

So to assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy for transformation, I asked the I Ching, "How can we best use this year's final full moon energy to set us up for more happiness and greater alignment with our true selves as we shift into 2016?(hexagrams are the language of the I Ching)

And it answered with Hexagram #16, Delight (aka. Enthusiasm).

As I read through this hexagram, I uncovered 3 main themes that are important for us to take the time to explore over the next couple weeks. So grab a cup of tea, find a cozy nook, and dive into this month's wisdom to set yourself up for more happiness and success (however you define it) in 2016!


In order to become more aligned with your true self and begin to cultivate more happiness in 2016, you must be tuned into what brings you joy. What is it that truly Lights You Up?!?

Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity you can have. Generating those feelings is the most powerfully creative thing you can do with your life.
— Danielle LaPorte

Sometimes what we think will (or should) light us up actually doesn't. This could be because were basing what we want on others ideals, our own false ideals, or simply because our own tastes have changed. 

The plain truth is, what delights us changes as we grow older. We have to manage that change.
— The I Ching

The hexagram "Delight" is reminding you to take some time to re-clarify your ideas of what truly lights you up, before you start setting those tangible goals for 2016.

TAKE ACTION >> Take a moment to upgrade your ideas on what delights you, before you shift into 2016.

  • You can do this by sitting quietly and contemplating the things that truly light you up. Grab a journal, and ask yourself "What lights me up? What makes me feel expansive and joyful?"
  • You can also do this by being more mindful in your daily life. Start noticing what truly delights you over the next few weeks. What makes you giddy? What makes you feel expansive? Also start to notice what feels heavy or exhausting. What makes you contract? 

Personally, I've noticed some major changes in what delights me in my relationship. How I once loved to connect has greatly shifted over the year, and as I move into 2016 I'll have to account for these changes if I want to feel fulfilled and happy. I've also found that what delights me in my social life has drastically shifted over the year. And if I'm being honest, the shifts likely started years ago. But I never too the time to upgrade and came up against some major internal turbulence because of it.

Re-clarifying and following your delight is a wonderful way to align more deeply with your true self and set goals that will truly bring you more happiness in 2016. 


Delight is volatile. Unless our spark begins a reaction, and unless we channel and amplify that reaction through hard work and perseverance, we cannot find a lasting path.
— The I Ching

This hexagram also reminds you that discipline and hard work are just as important as the spark of delight.

You're reminded to keep your initial excitement in mind while also maintaining your steady forward momentum (in any aspect of your life). Allow that spark of delight, your enthusiasm, to get your attention. That's what it's for! Enjoy it when it comes to you. But also be sure to keep persevering on that path, even as the initial excitement fades.

I've noticed a trend in myself (and others I talk to). I'll get a spark of inspiration that really lights me up. I'm giddy with excitement over it. I obsess over it, journal on it, talk about it, and then.......I stop. The excitement dies down or fear and doubt creep in and I Just Stop. Until another enthusiastic burst of delight pops up! And the cycle continues. 

This pattern of not following up bursts of delight with perseverance and consistent action can happen to anyone in any area of their life. And it's a surefire way to lose momentum and stagnate your growth.

Let delight be your compass, and hard work be your tools.

TAKE ACTION>> The next time you get a burst of delight or inspiration, make a plan to follow it up with consistent action.

Do you keep thinking about getting into better shape and then finally feel inspired to go out for a jog? Don't let that inspiration fade. Create a plan to take consistent action towards getting into shape. Join a gym; get a jogging buddy; hire a health coach; do whatever you need to do to insure consistent action.


So #3 may sound a bit random, but bear with me because it may very well be the most important aspect of this hexagram "Delight". The I Ching says,

Only one delight, delight in the spiritual, is lasting and ultimately satisfying. All other delights are external- mere entertainment and playing. The spiritual transcends our isolation, joins us with others, and leads our souls to dance to a music that resonates through the universe in a song of delight
— The I Ching

Many things will delight you and compete for your continued attention and energy in 2016 and beyond. It's only with the wisdom of the universe (spirit, source, god, etc.) and you're own inner wise woman (soul, intuition, etc.) that you'll know the difference between what will bring you farther on your path, and what will be a fun (but perhaps unfulfilling) distraction. Neither is wrong.

But if you're goal in 2016 is to more fully live your purpose and align with your true self, you'd benefit greatly from listening for whispers of the universe and your soul, as to which sparks of delight to follow.

TAKE ACTION>> If you'd like to strengthen your connection and gain more guidance from the universe and your inner wise woman, I highly suggest establishing a regular spiritual practice in your life. This has been key for transforming my own life. A "regular spiritual practice" may look different for each of you. And that's ok. As long as it helps you have a deeper connection with the universe and your inner wise woman, you're golden :)

If you're curious, my spiritual practice consists of regular and varying types of meditation, journaling, consulting the I Ching, and other regular rituals that help me feel that deeper connection with myself and the divine. 

If you'd like to learn how to make your own spiritual practice more consistent so you can more easily tap into your inner wise woman and guidance from spirit, sign up below for a free resource to help. It's a guide with 4 simple steps that will help you take your spiritual practice from inconsistent dabble to regular ritual in 2016.

Whether your spiritual practice is meditation or something else, this guide will help you make it more consistent.

I Ching Full Moon Wisdom {November}

I Ching Hexagram 3

Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. Taking time monthly during the full moon to reflect has consistently helped me stay on purpose and shift difficult and stagnant areas of my life. A few years ago, I began combining my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, with my full moon practice and KABAM, "I Ching Moon Wisdom" readings were born. 

So to assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy for transformation, I asked the I Ching, "What do we need to know about this Gemini full moon to harness its power + powerfully and ease-fully move forward in our lives?"  (hexagrams are the language of the I Ching)

And it answered with Hexagram #3, Sprouting (aka. Difficult Beginnings).

Watching my dad try his hand at gardening this year taught me that growing fruits and veggies isn't as easy as I had assumed. I learned planting seeds doesn't guarantee a plant will grow, and if it does grow, there's no guarantee it'll be healthy and delicious. Our lives are a lot like this.

Throughout the year you've likely spent a lot of time planting seeds for what you want to create in your life in 2015 (through your thoughts and intentions). Like my dad's garden, every single seed you've planted will not go from energetic seed to physical plant. But the ones you've nurtured most, will eventually begin to sprout into tangible form.

Getting this hexagram "Sprouting" now, indicates some of your nurtured seeds are finally beginning to manifest from the energy realm of intention into the physical realm of form.

We are at the dynamic moment in which an inner world change is beginning to precipitate into an outer world change.
— The I Ching

And like my dad's garden, just because something sprouts, doesn't mean it'll survive to its fullest expression. So the time of sprouting, when you first begin to glimpse the fruits of your labor, is both magical and terrifying.

Difficult beginnings arise where there are a perfusion of elements struggling to take form. Because your new environment has yet to fully materialize, much confusion surrounds any attempt to master it.
— The I Ching

Despite this confusion, The I Ching wants you to know that this time of "Sprouting" or "Difficult Beginnings" is completely natural. For now, what will benefit you the most is to pause and surrender to all the chaotic energy swirling around you as these seedlings begin to sprout.

You see, seeds can be planted both consciously and unconsciously. 

Seeds consciously planted and nurtured will often sprout into situations or things you desire, while unconsciously planted and nurtured ones may sprout into something undesirable. 

So your job during this full moon is to sit back and take stock of ALL the seeds you've been nurturing and have allowed to sprout in your life this year. This is a great ritual to do as 2015 completes, so you can be sure to only bring what you truly want into 2016.

Take some time this week (while the full moon energy is still potent) to journal on these questions.

  • Are the seeds taking form in my life now ones I want? If so, how can I continue to nurture them further to ensure their full fruition?
  • If not, what can I do (or stop doing) to ensure they grow no further?

I Ching Full Moon Wisdom {October}

rotten fruit.jpg

Full moons are always a potent time. Energetically ripe for transformation. Taking time monthly during the full moon to reflect and reassess your life can be a powerful practice. Having a full moon practice has consistently helped me shift difficult and stagnant areas of my life. A couple years ago, I began combining my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, with my full moon practice and KABAM, "I Ching Full Moon Wisdom" readings were born. 

So to assist us in harnessing this month's full moon energy for transformation, I asked the I Ching, "What is this Taurus full moon all about, and How can we best utilize it now that's in our highest and best?" 

And it answered with Hexagram #64, Not Yet Across. (hexagrams are the language of the I Ching).

This is interesting because the hexagrams are cyclical starting at #1 and ending at #64 before they loop back to #1. So #1 represents a new beginning while #64 is the moment just before a new beginning.

This time of "Not Yet Across" represents the moment just before we complete a cycle in our life. 

We are poised at the beginning of a new venture, and this moment when heaven and earth pause between inhalation and exhalation is sacred, terrible, peaceful, [fertile].
— The I Ching*

Getting this hexagram now signifies that there's an aspect of your life that's really ripe for completion or letting go. And once you let it go you will complete this cycle (or lesson) and begin a new one. Take a moment now to reflect on what that aspect is. Close your eyes and ask yourself (you may want to grab your journal and write it down):

What in my life is ripe for releasing now?

Is it a relationship with a friend or lover that's done? A job? Or perhaps it's a thought or behavior pattern that's no longer serving you?

Whatever it is, holding onto it is holding you back from evolving in that aspect of your life. Blocking you from allowing something better to come along....a new beginning to start. It's holding you back from realizing fully that lesson that's ready to be learned. 

Wisdom is to act in that measureless juncture between beginning and ending.
— The I Ching*

When we continue to hold onto things that are ripe for releasing, they begin to rot and stagnate us.

Letting go of things that we're attached to (even when they're ripe for releasing) can feel scary and even dangerous. But it's a necessary and empowering part of our growth. And it will always make room for something better and more aligned with our soul to come in. 

Crossing [between ending and new beginning] is dangerous. When we are not yet across, there is more risk than chance of accomplishment. We have to get to the other side before our plans can unfold.
— The I Ching*

So how do we know what's starting to rot and needs to be released?

First, you must trust that you have this knowledge inside of you (because you do!). Second, give yourself some time and space this week to reflect and/or journal on it. 

And if you still feel stuck knowing what to release, taking a look at your values can be very helpful during this Taurus full moon.

The Taurus Moon is shining a light on what you love and value. Your freedom and joy is in your ability to live authentically and in alignment with your core values.
— Kelley Rosano @ MysticMama

TRY THIS >> Grab your journal and reflect on these question.

  • What are your non-negotiables in life? What feelings do you strive to embody each day? 
  • Now reflect on one or two places where you feel the most struggle right now.
  • Now ask yourself: Which struggles are due to a disconnect in my values?
  • When you can start to see that a difficult circumstance in your life is caused by you not honoring your values (whether it's a relationship, an internal thought or behavior pattern, etc) >> THIS IS A SIGN OF SOMETHING ROTTING AND READY TO BE RELEASED FROM YOUR LIFE.

So on this full moon, I invite you to take advantage of this potent energy and feel for what's past its ripe date, ready to be digested into wisdom, and over due to be released from your life. And I ask you to give yourself permission to learn the lesson and LET IT GO.

Once you do, you'll shift from this hexagram of  "ALMOST ACROSS" to completing this cycle. And you'll allow the space and resources to nurture the seeds of something amazing and new to come along.