3 Questions to Ask yourself this August to Ensure you Manifest that Big Vision Board Dream This Year!

Harvest Season has officially arrived! And an argument could be made that, in terms of “Manifestation”, the next three months are the most critical of the year!

Here’s why…

Between August and November many Pagans celebrate three harvest festivals, which mark a time when the seeds planted in Spring are reaching full fruition and ready to be harvested for food. The first of these festivals called Lughnasadh, is celebrated on August 1st primarily as a grain festival (and is sometimes called the “Sabbat of First Fruits”).¹ (if you’re curious, the other two harvest festivals are Mabon on September 22nd and Samhain on October 31st).

To make sure that you too have a successful harvest and bring your yearly “idea seeds” to full, tangible fruition (rather than leaving them in the world of your dreams and “new year resolutions”), you can look to Mother Earth’s growth cycle for manifestation wisdom.

vision board

Harvest Season reminds you that if you set annual intentions and resolutions for change at the beginning of the year, between August and November you should be seeing some real, tangible signs that your desire is indeed manifesting.

And if you don’t start to see some form of physical change or manifestation in your life during Harvest Season, you’ve got to get really honest with yourself and figure how you’re blocking your seeds of desire from growing to full fruition.

Normally during Harvest Season, Summer’s fiery, yang energy will fuel you to take more consistent and persistent action to physically create your greatest desire (or desired change) for the year! And between August and November you’ll experience the impacts of change and manifestation in your life, little by little.

But manifestation doesn’t always happen, if you don’t know how (or aren’t equipped) to do the intense Summer manifestation work.

Over the years I’ve noticed 3 main ways manifestation during Harvest Season can unfold for people (#3 is what we’re aiming for!):

  1. You get stuck in fear, doubt, resistance, boredom, or the busyness of Summer and can’t seem to focus and show up to take consistent, persistent action towards creating your greatest desire for the year! The next thing you know, it’s December and you’re feeling guilty that the biggest dream on your vision board never quite came to life this year.

  2. You use all your will-power and energy to painstakingly manifest your desire (or create the change you wanted). But afterwards you feel burnt out and discover that the change you created doesn’t last, because it wasn’t rooted in sustainable mental and behavioral habit change! (ie. you work really hard to lose 30 pounds only to gain it back shortly after; you manifest a great partner, only to sabotage the relationship months later; etc.).

  3. Summer’s fire energy fuels you to take more consistent and persistent action, you laser focus that action, and you tangibly MANIFEST and MAINTAIN your greatest desire (or desired change) for the year! (**and you work to maintain the change in the following months and years, by solidifying your new, aligned mental and behavioral patterns).

As a sensitive, introvert, and empath (prone to anxiety), I tend to live in the world of my mind, imagination, and dreams. I’m highly creative and great at visioning the changes and creative projects I want to birth in my life and the world! And yet I’ve often struggled committing to one thing AND focusing my energy to take consistent, persistent action towards tangibly manifesting that one thing, during the second half of the year.

And so, for years I mostly tended towards manifestation scenario #1 above (with scenario #2 showing up when I got frustrated enough to force myself into action!). And many of my community members and clients find themselves falling into similar patterns this time of year.

So as August initiates us into this year’s three month Harvest season, it’s time to make sure your own 2021 dreams and ‘desired change’ seeds, have a fighting chance to come to full blown fruition and TANGIBLE MANIFESTATION in your life this year! Rather than living another year solely in your imagination and vision board.

Here are 3 QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF THIS AUGUST, to ensure that you tangibly manifest your biggest desire this year!

QUESTION #1: What is my ONE GREATEST DESIRE that I want to tangibly manifest by November this year?

Summer’s energy is full of potential growth power, ready to be focused for some massive manifestation work. Manifestation takes FOCUS, COMMITMENT, and consistent, persistent ACTION.

And so this first harvest festival of Lughnasadh asks you to CHOOSE ONE desire (or desired change) to laser focus on and commit to, while you shelf the other dozen ideas, projects, and desired changes you’re giving energy to… at least for the next few months of Harvest Season!

Trying to manifest or change every single thing on your vision board at once is a sure way to manifest nothing fully!

Also, while it’s great to stretch yourself, be sure to keep the one desire you do choose relatively realistic.

So, what big desire can you realistically bring to fruition, over the next 3-4 months, with focus and hard work (while also honoring the amount of time and energy you’re willing to devote to growing that desire now)?

QUESTION #2: What are 3 TANGIBLE SIGNS that my desire is actually manifesting from idea into physical form?

Remember, if you set annual intentions and resolutions for change at the beginning of the year, between August and November you should be seeing some real, tangible signs that your desire is indeed manifesting.

So how will you know your desire is actually manifesting? What are the tangible micro-changes you’ll experience on your way to fully creating that desire? How will you know you’re taking the right actions and getting closer (versus staying stuck in the same old behaviors and mindsets)?

Again, be realistic here. If you take your realistic desire from above and showed up as consistently and persistently as you can to create it over the next three months, what are three sign-posts you expect to see on your way to full manifestation?

QUESTION #3: What is one NEW, ALIGNED IMPACT ACTION that I can commit to doing this month to manifest my desire?

If you want something different, you must DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. And so if you haven’t yet fully manifested your big desire or change for the year, now is the time to get clear on what the best new action(s) are that will help you close the gap between who you are and who you need to become to manifest that desire.

And then, TAKE THOSE NEW ACTIONS, consistently and persistently until you see the changes start to unfold.

Note that these aren’t just any old actions you can think of. The best actions are what I call “IMPACT ACTIONS”. A few simple, focused actions that will create the greatest impact in your manifestation journey (without creating overwhelm or burn-out).

I love to use an oracle system like the I Ching to get myself and clients clarity on our new impact actions. Then focus on a one new action at each new moon, during harvest season. And then, spend the rest of the monthly moon cycle refining and strengthening that action into a habit!

Want to know how ✨Mindfulness + Intuitive Transformational Coaching✨ can help you do this life-changing work now? Apply for a free Discovery Session below!

¹ Edain McCoy, The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways, Llewellyn Publications, 1994.