How to 'Do Better', once you 'Know Better'.
/As we leave the first Eclipse Season of the year and enter Summer, the energies shift drastically! And as these new energies sweep in, they’re asking us to show up very differently than we did in Spring.
To help guide us, I asked my favorite oracle system (the I Ching) how to best align with the new energies, during this first month of Summer. And she answered with the hexagram* of “SMOTHERED LIGHT”. (*like the cards of a tarot deck, ‘hexagrams’ are the language and wisdom of the I Ching!)
To really understand the energy of July, the “Smothered Light” hexagram gives us the image of earth, over fire.
Imagine you’ve just lit a bonfire and begin to add wood (which is a form of earth) to help it grow. If you just throw a bunch of wood on the new fire, mindlessly, you run the risk of smothering it, rather then helping it grow. But, if you MINDFULLY place the wood in the fire with intention, you fuel the new flames and they grow bigger and stronger!
In the image above:
THE FIRE🔥represents your own inner light, clarity, insight, and empowered truth that has emerged (and grown exponentially) during the May-June eclipse season.
and THE WOOD represents the “initiation situations” you’ll encounter (or perhaps are already encountering) this month, that will help initiate you into the newer more aligned version of YOU, that is ready to show up fully this year. (more on this below)
Let me explain this a bit more. The 6 week Spring Eclipse season, that just ended, was especially important in helping bring you massive inner breakthrough, insight, and empowerment around what you deeply desire this year + what’s truly been blocking you from creating it (as long as you did some inner healing work during Eclipse season).
But while the inner breakthroughs of Eclipse Season may feel really powerful, it’s important to remember that BREAKTHROUGHS ON THEIR OWN, DON’T GUARANTEE MANIFESTATION or tangible change in your life!
So if you’re serious about bringing those desires on your 2021 vision board to life this year, now’s the time to roll up your sleeves and fuel the flames of your new-found inner breakthroughs into outer transformation, by taking strategic and intentional ACTION this Summer!
And because the Universe is always helping us co-create our soul desires, she will start to give you some very synchronistic “INITIATION SITUATIONS” this month!
These “initiation situations” are circumstances that feel challenging, but that turn out to be the perfect opportunities to get some real time practice, releasing the mental and behavioral blocks you discovered during Eclipse Season, and then practice showing up as the new, more aligned version of YOU (who can easily manifest your 2021 desires)!
Here’s an example of an “Initiation Situation” playing out…
Let’s say you really want to to create deep self-love and confidence, so that you can manifest a healthy partnership this year. And Eclipse Season helped you discover that one of the biggest things blocking you from cultivating that deep self-love and confidence right now, is your lack of setting and honoring boundaries in your relationships.
And so sometime this month, you may find yourself confronted with a situation in which someone close to you really tests your boundaries! And, you’re forced to TAKE ACTION to either practice the new, more empowered (yet still awkward) “conscious boundary setting” habit… OR choose to revert back to your old pattern of self-betrayal, which then perpetuates your lack of self-love and confidence.
The most important thing to remember about these “INITIATION SITUATIONS” is that, while they may seem like they’re threatening to smother the light of your newly found clarity, truth, and power… in reality, THEY’RE HERE TO MORE FULLY INITIATE YOU into the person you need to become, to manifest your greatest desires before the end of the year!
If there was a quote that summed up the energy of this month it would be this one by Maya Angelou…
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
For the first 6 months of the year (and pre-eclipse season), you did the best you could with the level of awareness that you had.
But, now as you exit Eclipse season and move into the second half of the year, IT’S TIME TO DO BETTER, with all your Eclipse season clarity, breakthroughs, and new knowing!
And to help you “do better, now that you know better”, here are 3 steps to take this month, to ensure that you actually create the tangible changes you crave in your life (and the world) this year!
I wrote all about this in last month’s oracle reading here. But I’m repeating it, because taking time to REFLECT on and DIGEST all the synchronicities, breakthroughs, and lessons from the pre-Summer Eclipse season is key to how much you transform, heal, and manifest in your life over the final 6 months of the year!
And so if you haven’t yet taken time to process and integrate your Eclipse Season lessons from last month, grab your journal and some tea, and REFLECT ON THESE 3 THINGS ASAP!
Once you integrate all of your Eclipse season breakthroughs, your inner awareness and wisdom is different than it was just a month ago. In other words, you now know better! And as Maya Angelou says, “When you know better, do better”!
And so, it’s now time to start SHOWING UP DIFFERENTLY in your outer ACTIONS!
To help you do this, the Universe will often deliver you “Initiation Situations”. These situations may feel oppressive and threaten to smother the light of all your new-found clarity, wisdom, and power.
But when you STAY MINDFUL and navigate them with INTENTION, you’ll see that they are actually perfect opportunities to more fully INITIATE YOU into the person you need to become (mentally & behaviorally), to manifest your greatest desires this year!
Without these initiation situations this month, you might not get to practice showing up as the NEW YOU, release the old patterns, and really anchor all your new inner breakthroughs into tangible change!
So when you find yourself in the midst of an “Initiation Situation” this month, it’s so important to STAY MINDFUL and remember that you’ll have two choices:
the choice to show up differently, with the new more empowered mindsets and behaviors, that you discovered over Eclipse Season (that may still feel awkward, vulnerable, and scary to try out!).
OR, the choice to go back to your old mindsets and behaviors that you now know are no longer serving you and the changes you want this year (but also still feel so familiar, safe, and easy!).
And, if you find yourself reverting back to your old patterns at first don’t worry! This is actually a super normal part of the transformation process.
The good news is that you’ll get multiple “initiation situations” to show up as the “new, empowered YOU” this Summer! Just keep staying mindful and keep practicing “doing better, now that you know better!”.
Because the more you “do better” (even just a little!) and choose the new ways, the more you’ll strengthen those more empowered mindsets and behaviors (and release the old ones)! AND the greater chance you have of choosing the new again, and again, and again.
And, THAT 👆 is exactly how you turn your inner Eclipse breakthroughs into outer transformations this Summer! And, that is how you change your life!
If you want to talk about how ✨Mindfulness + Intuitive Transformational Coaching✨ can help you do this life-changing work now, apply for a free Discovery Session below!