I Ching Full Moon Wisdom {November}
/Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. Taking time monthly during the full moon to reflect has consistently helped me stay on purpose and shift difficult and stagnant areas of my life. A few years ago, I began combining my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, with my full moon practice and KABAM, "I Ching Moon Wisdom" readings were born.
So to assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy for transformation, I asked the I Ching, "What do we need to know about this Gemini full moon to harness its power + powerfully and ease-fully move forward in our lives?" (hexagrams are the language of the I Ching)
And it answered with Hexagram #3, Sprouting (aka. Difficult Beginnings).
Watching my dad try his hand at gardening this year taught me that growing fruits and veggies isn't as easy as I had assumed. I learned planting seeds doesn't guarantee a plant will grow, and if it does grow, there's no guarantee it'll be healthy and delicious. Our lives are a lot like this.
Throughout the year you've likely spent a lot of time planting seeds for what you want to create in your life in 2015 (through your thoughts and intentions). Like my dad's garden, every single seed you've planted will not go from energetic seed to physical plant. But the ones you've nurtured most, will eventually begin to sprout into tangible form.
Getting this hexagram "Sprouting" now, indicates some of your nurtured seeds are finally beginning to manifest from the energy realm of intention into the physical realm of form.
“We are at the dynamic moment in which an inner world change is beginning to precipitate into an outer world change.”
And like my dad's garden, just because something sprouts, doesn't mean it'll survive to its fullest expression. So the time of sprouting, when you first begin to glimpse the fruits of your labor, is both magical and terrifying.
“Difficult beginnings arise where there are a perfusion of elements struggling to take form. Because your new environment has yet to fully materialize, much confusion surrounds any attempt to master it.”
Despite this confusion, The I Ching wants you to know that this time of "Sprouting" or "Difficult Beginnings" is completely natural. For now, what will benefit you the most is to pause and surrender to all the chaotic energy swirling around you as these seedlings begin to sprout.
You see, seeds can be planted both consciously and unconsciously.
Seeds consciously planted and nurtured will often sprout into situations or things you desire, while unconsciously planted and nurtured ones may sprout into something undesirable.
So your job during this full moon is to sit back and take stock of ALL the seeds you've been nurturing and have allowed to sprout in your life this year. This is a great ritual to do as 2015 completes, so you can be sure to only bring what you truly want into 2016.
Take some time this week (while the full moon energy is still potent) to journal on these questions.
- Are the seeds taking form in my life now ones I want? If so, how can I continue to nurture them further to ensure their full fruition?
- If not, what can I do (or stop doing) to ensure they grow no further?