Full Moon I Ching Wisdom {September}
/Full moons are always an energetically potent time, ripe for bringing about great transformation. They're also known for stirring up emotions, to help shine a light on your blocks, so you can release them and create more flow and alignment in your life.
This month, we've got a full moon and a lunar eclipse. So it's an especially powerful time to gain insight and more easily create any shifts you've been craving in your life! To assist us in utilizing this month's full moon energy to create shifts, I asked my favorite oracle and spiritual tool, the I Ching, what energies are most potent now, and how we can best use them. (fyi: the I Ching speaks in a language called hexagrams)
And it answered us with two Hexagrams, #16 "DELIGHT" and #17 "FOLLOWING".
I've noticed a trend with clients and friends I've spoken to lately. They've got a clear picture of what they want. They're visualizing it regularly and working really hard to achieve it. They're putting in long hours, saying no to things that hold them back, and being mindful to uncover any mental blocks that could stand in their way. They're doing the work, but something just feels off.
And when they take a moment to reflect, they realize that while they're more committed to their dream than ever, they're not actually having fun creating it.
They've forgotten a very important and fundamental truth. They've forgotten that enjoying the journey is is an important part of the life, because life is the journey...not the destination.
“You think that the goal is to be over there, and we say the goal is the journey over there. But the goal is the fun you have along the way, on your way over there.”
Too often we think some goal will bring us the happiness we seek, only to get there and find we're still not happy.
So you're now reminded to come back to what truly DELIGHTS you. What was it about your original dream or goal that lit you up?
When you close your eyes and picture yourself in your dream scenario, what are the core feelings you notice?
Do you feel Free? Advnenturous? Connected? Loved? Ease? Joy? etc.
And when you think about your journey thus far to create your dream scenario, what are the core feelings you've been feeling? Do they match the feelings above? Or are they more in the realm of Stressed, Overwhelmed, Fearful, or Anxious?
The I Ching hexagram of Delight, reminds us that if we're waiting for the manifestation of our dream scenario to feel those desired feelings, we've got it all backwards.
Instead, it's by working to cultivate those desired feelings on a daily basis, that we'll get to our dream scenario with more ease.
By doing things daily that create those desired feelings in you:
- you'll enjoy the creation process (aka. your life) more,
- you'll be in a more open energetic state to receive guidance and synchronistic opportunities,
- AND you'll get "there" faster. Even if "there" doesn't look like how you originally imagined it would.
So get back to those desired feelings that truly DELIGHT you....on a deep soul level. For me it's adventure, freedom, and deep connection. I started this online spiritual business to connect on a deeper level with women, to create more freedom in my life so I could travel and feel adventurous. But after some time pushing forward, I realized I felt disconnected and confined sitting behind my computer working all day, and I felt bored and stale...not adventurous at all!!
Once I had that realization, I realized that I didn't have to wait until I could take regular trips to far off places to feel free and adventurous, nor did I have to wait until I was ready to lead women's groups in by business to feel deeply connected. If I chose to, I could create those feelings on a daily basis starting now!
Here's what I did, and what you can do during this full moon too.
- Visualize your dream scenario and tap into what your main feelings are in it.
- Grab pen and paper, and write down each feeling core feeling across the top of your paper (leaving space below each one to brainstorm).
- Now, go one by one, and brainstorm things you can do now that would cultivate that feeling in you. Be creative and be open to different possibilities.
So for me it was a vision of me working my dream job as a spiritual mentor and traveling the world to teach and meet new people. This vision brought me feelings of adventure, freedom, and deep connection. While I'm not at my dream scenario yet and was starting to feel stale and disconnected as I worked to create that vision, I knew I could start creating those feelings right now regardless of my current outside circumstances.
To create feelings of adventure and freedom, I began scheduling myself an hour to take a walk every day. I'll drive my car to a new part of my neighborhood that I'd never been, park, and just start walking (after dropping a pin to mark my starting point on my phone!).
I love the feeling of taking in new houses, new smells, and even of getting lost after wandering for awhile. Here are some pics from my adventure today. I even discovered a creek a couple miles from my house!
Images by Brandi Grooms, brandigrooms.com
And to create the deep connection I'd been craving, I became a founding member of a new local women's networking group. I started working closely with other like-minded women to plan events and create a community of local high-vibe entrepreneurs.
It's been so much fun! And I'm now feeling that sense of connection I craved on a daily basis!
If you stop pushing yourself kicking and screaming towards your goals, tap into those feelings that actually bring you delight, and allow them to guide you throughout your days, you'll find so much more ease, happiness, and success in your life.
Give it a try and let me know how it goes in the comments below!